Power of Duties
1. To preside over all the board meeting of members and suggest
all working patterns and implementation of proceedings passed in the meeting down to state bodies.
2. To organize and undertake community service projects in the interest and for the welfare of members.
3. To make understand and educates all working executive members downline to State/Zone/ Dist / Town/ Rural
level and to keep track on all matter with informing further developments to Founder / President/Chairman/
for better coordination.
4. To develop volumes to work freely for the betterment of the social public and understand to solve
their problems.
5. Will have the powers to make any amount of members with in rules and regulations of the
Fights for Rights for better working.
6. To find and keep involve for observing any anti social activities among any working
members and to be reported to the head for necessary action.
7. Prior information and approval is must for any activities .
8. After acceptance and approved person from FRA ,then only your action will be implement.
9. Limitation of post including members Not Unlimited
10. If any mistakes found ,we may terminate service immediately
11. Understand it is Non Profit Organisation .which you are not getting any regular payments/ salary etc ...
12. Without verification, a candidate is not as a member of LRO .
13. Members and including zonal / Dist/Town/Rural not allowed to issue any kind of letters to any department without permission of Head.
14. Will not be responsible to any such behaviour and will take strict action against anybody found guilty.
Members are not authorised to nominate any members of their own.They can only provide
recommendations to the head of vice president.
15. Without written consent of Head and their membership is invalid.
Strict legal action Will be taken against such people.
16. The id can not display in our website, it's shows its fake.
17. All Members shall be responsible for the management's and administration of all
affairs of the LRO .
18. Will assist for organisation projects/programmes /seminar/ educational workshops/
conduct by the LRO
19. Function of LRO team / will have to solve any serious mass
complaints/ public grievance with the support of SP,DIG,IG,COMMISSIONER,
20. To watch on anti social activities grievance crime ,corruption,
you may help with support of higher authorities of state and central
government and will take guideline from president secretaries or available
information about the issues and have meeting monthly, half yearly,or
annually and submit all required information.
Delegates working unit must take training certificate of LRO.
Delegates committee should be at least 20 members.
They will do work after taking permission from higher authorities.
You will arrange awareness camping programme monthly with the support of administration, Judisery and collect public grievance matter you will open many center of legal rights/ consultancy help line and to take code number of helpline center by president authority letter.